The Seychellian Government have been fighting against pirates for many years but with great determination and courage! The Somalian pirates has had a great effect on the economy of the Seychelles and they have appealed the the International Community for increased commitment and support to peacekeeping forces within Somalia.

Seychellois fishermen are increasingly exposed to hijackers attacking ever closer to the coast of the archipelago. Reported in February 2012

Piracy is seen as a veritable “scourge” by Seychellois and the economic impact of this “small developing State”, as designated by the UN, based on fishing and tourism, is not negligible. Fishing accounts for 23% of GDP and 95% of exports. Victoria Harbour is the largest tuna transshipment center in southern Indian Ocean, 85% of purse seine catches French and Basque (Spain) were landed and feed the tuna cannery. Tuna catches have decreased by 20% since the attacks of Somalia, according to the Seychelles government, the loss recorded is 12% per year, while the cannery was down 11%. Five tuna left the area to go fishing in the Atlantic Ocean and, for the year 2011, losses on fishing are estimated at 3 million euros. Tourism records, also, significant losses, leaving a deficit estimated at 6 million euros in 2011, losses due largely to the change of destination of cruise lines and the image that develops piracy and the virtual disappearance of Long-term pleasure in Seychelles waters.

Yesterday Communication Specialists had a request from the Seychellian Government for a Satellite Phone which would be used in a mission against the pirates to rescue some fisherman that were being held hostage. We successfully supplied the SAT phone via a contact we have in UAE, Dubai within 24 hours of receiving the phone call from the Seychellian Government.

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