Communication Specialists are proud to work with this prestigious customer, SERCO who are prime contractors to the UK MOD. We have been a successful business partner with SERCO for over 10 Years. We have supported Serco in their Business Ventures with regards to the UK MOD for all of their communication requirements.
Key success factors with regards to supplying the armed forces are:
– Delivering beyond customer expectation
– Delivering ahead of scheduled time frames
– Consistently delivering best value solution
– Unrivalled support infrastructure
– Top quality merchandise always supplied
About Serco (taken from their website)
Serco makes a difference to the lives of millions of people around the world.
Our customers are national and local governments and leading companies. We have more than 50 years’ experience of helping them to achieve their goals.
By focusing on the needs of the people they serve, we enable our customers to deliver better outcomes. Our frontline delivery involves us in vital areas of public life, including providing safe transport, finding sustainable jobs for the long-term unemployed, helping patients recover more quickly, improving the local environment, rehabilitating offenders, protecting borders and supporting the armed forces.
We also manage crucial business processes for both public and private sector organisations. This frees them to focus on their core operations, while delivering tangible benefits to their customers – from faster mortgage approvals to better online shopping.
The long-term drivers of our markets include public service reform, developing economies’ investment in services and infrastructure, and our customers’ need to deliver the best end-user experience. They want a partner who gives them confidence through consistent delivery, who can anticipate and adapt to change, and who can understand what they want to achieve across their organisation. They value our fresh thinking and the collaborative and imaginative way we work. We also look for opportunities to leverage our scale to our customers’ advantage.
Serco is a values-led company and our culture and ethos are at the heart of everything we do. We give our people responsibility, so they can put their ideas into practice and make a real difference. Our approach has made us one of the world’s leading service companies and our vision is to be the world’s greatest.
Our service ethos means that our customers come back to us again and again. These long-term relationships help us to meet their changing needs and do what we do best…
bringing service to life.
Hi Bomber; I agree that there are ethical ieusss to consider here. However, as someone who works in the area I wanted to point out a factual inconsistency in your post regarding the withholding of rehabilitation from sex offenders in denial:The parole board *is* likely to instruct offenders who deny their charges to serve their full sentence (after all, they are judges for the most part). However; Rehabilitation activities include those related to numeracy, literacy, vocation, housing, the regular contact and work of Probation officers, and psychological treatment. Of these, only the last is dependent on some level of admission of guilt- if only because it is highly difficult to help someone fix a problem who claims there is none. In fact, the majority of sex offenders do not require formal treatment for risk of sexual reoffending as they generally present with a low risk anyway. In reality, high risk sexual offenders (such as those targeted by legislation such as this) are likely to have multiple attempts to create therapeutic change, even if they do continue to deny their offending (or admit it, but deny that it is a problem). This is because rehabilitation workers recognise these offenders as being worthy of additional effort- and because the complexity of the phenomena of denial is recognised.The legislation you discuss, drafted swiftly, with specific individuals in mind, is therefore likely to be driven by emotive reactions to community concern, rather than ‘structural ieusss’ within Corrections- note that the legislation appeared to be most strongly driven by politics and media, not rehab workers, probation officers, judges, or the Corrections executive…
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